Batch 004, “Into The Woods”, is here!

Probably the longest lead time batch thanks to plenty of interesting and headachey hang-ups, but I am so happy to announce that these cards are now on sale. You can click here to go right to the store page, or here to go to the gallery. We’ve got our first electric locomotive, a Baldwin-Westinghouse steeplecab, as well as our smallest locomotive yet! Also included are bits of what some might call “railroad mythology”—the Porterfield & Ellis #4 and Umbazooksus & Eagle Lake #1, both of which took a ton of effort to compile a full stat sheet for. That said, little took more effort than Arcata & Mad River #6, possibly the only 2-4-2 ever built to 3’-9.25” gauge. I’d like to thank everyone that helped turn this batch into a reality, but in particular Graham Zielinski, Tyler L, Matthew Bacon, Nick Christiansen, Aidan Jansen, John VanAken, and Daniel Santos. Also the Halton County Radial Railway, Southern California Railway Museum, Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, and California State Library, without whom we may never have had what we needed. Hopefully we’ll be able to get all of this data up onto sooner or later, but until then grab some cards and take your friends to task in Locomotive Versus, Loco Dome, Double Headers, or Loco Royale!


Stock Update!


Batch 004 Inbound!