Stock Update!

Hello comrades! The current stock of our store is as follows:
- 41 Batch 004
- 16 Batch 003
Those People’s Choice cards are running short. Make sure you roll the dice on picking up one of those legendaries if you haven’t already—they’ll be gone before you know it. But when one stall closes, another opens, and it should come as no surprise that Batch 005 is in the works. There are also some Special Orders on the way, if you’re lucky enough to know those who ordered them. In the forseeable future I’d like to add a formalized form for requesting Special Orders, but that will come in time.

I cannot give any details on the nature of Batch 005, as things are still very much up in the air, but remember to submit your card requests to me if you’ve earned any in the Loco Games. They may appear, if the subject of the batch allows it.

Loco Games will be starting up again soon as well. A poll will appear shortly on our Discord for the type.

Hope everyone is having a happy new year!
- Ellis D Tammelleo


Batch 004, “Into The Woods”, is here!